Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wedding fun!

Hey all! Von and I took off to Utah last weekend to go to my cousin Gabe's wedding. It was a lot of fun. They had a live band and we danced the night away(well as much as I could.) Plus it was so much fun to see the family! We had so much fun!


kris said...

go ahead...just rub it in!:) I wish I could have been there!!!

Lara said...

I wondered where you two had gone! We missed seeing you Sunday! We need to get together soon!

Lara said...

Hey Jess, I tagged you with 5 random fact tag! Check out my blog for details! Good luck!

Mindy Barker said...

Hey Jess. We missed you on the 4th! Just wondering if I can get your e-mail address. You can e-mai it to me at Thanks.

Ryan and Krystal said...

Jess! Hi, its Krystal (cooper) Anderson. Congratulations on your little one that will be here soon! I love finding old friends from HS. You look so happy! Keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess! It's Jules, check out my new blog at
I am so excited for you guys to have a baby!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess! Let me know when you are coming to town so we can, you know, go out to eat!

Hayley said...

Hey Jes!

I'm loving your bloG!

Amy said...

Hello! It's me Brower (seaver) I love the blog. I just joined the club too.
I hope the pregnancy is going great. Talk to you later.

Melissa said...

I know you don't check your blog much, but I am tagging you! Check my blog for details!

The Sommer Family said... is the pregnancy going? You are getting close! Are you teaching this year? Let me know how things are going. See ya!

KolbyJanine said...

o my gosh i am so glad i found your blog. hope you dont mind i was hoping around. I am so excited for next weekend.